Vice President, Residential Loan Officer
Marine Bank & Trust has announced that its Vice President, Residential Loan Officer Bob Morgan was named Director of the Year by the Sebastian River Area Chamber of Commerce. The announcement was made at the organization’s Annual Awards Luncheon at Capt Hiram’s Resort on September 10th.
“Our Board of Directors is a working board, meaning our board members contribute their time and effort toward insuring that the Chamber is managed with good governance,” said Chamber President and CEO Beth Mitchell. “This year, Bob Morgan stood out among his peers by giving so freely of his time, effort and talent. As our Chamber Treasurer for several years, he makes sure that every dollar is well spent based upon the annual budget and that we are fiscally responsible with the Chamber’s funds.”
In addition, Morgan will serve as the next Chamber Board Chair. His one-year term will coincide with the fiscal year which begins October 1, 2018.
About the Sebastian River Area Chamber of Commerce
The Sebastian River Area Chamber of Commerce promotes the civic, economic and social welfare of the people in the Sebastian River Area including more than 500 businesses and not-for-profit organizations. The Chamber’s mission is to be a proactive, member-supported association of businesses, organizations and individuals, united in their effort to support a healthy business environment, promote business development, encourage growth of tourism and to use its collective strength to enhance the quality of life in the community. For more information, please visit sebastianchamber.com.